Перн Вики
Перн Вики

Торговцы — один из особых цехов Перна. Торговцы — кочующие по всему континенту кланы, не имеющие собственного стационарного цеха, каждый клан называется по фамилии главы каравана.

Общее описание[]

Здесь представлено детальное описание цеха, взятое из The Dragonlovers guide to Pern. ВНИМАНИЕ! Текст на английском языке!


Telgar often has some rough weather over the course of a Turn. The main Hold tends to get snowed in during the cold season, so it must be self-sufficient. It needs to care for more than its own permanent population, since traders and their families commonly winter over in Telgar, where they are welcomed by Larad, a willing host.

In the spring, the traders leave Telgar for their annual circuit of the Northern Continent. Most follow the traditional road, traveling west to Crom, Nabol, the High Reaches, Tillek, down to Southern Boll, up to Ruatha, then to Fort Hold, where they take ship for Ista. The traders debark in Nerat, travel north and west to Greystones and Valley Hold or Half Circle, and finally converge in Benden Hold. As the weather begins to turn cool, they follow the river road down into Keroon and Igen, and travel up the Great Dunto River back to Telgar before the weather traps them elsewhere.

Sea Traders begin their routes in Tillek or Fort Sea Hold and stop in at Ista, Big Bay, Igen, Keroon, and Nerat. Telgar sends its goods downriver to Big Bay by means of shore luggers, heavy haulers something like river barges; not very fast but very safe, the shore luggers can carry a considerable amount of goods.

Traders are a special caste of crafters. They do not have their own crafthall and Craftsmasters. They are divided into clans and travel between Holds by caravans. A distinctive feature of each clan is the surname, by which they are identified (they are the only ones that have saved their family names since the colonization).

Первое Прохождение / Первый Интервал[]

  • Кланы:

Первый Интервал / Второе Прохождение[]

Второй Интервал / Третье Прохождение[]

  • Кланы:

Шестое Прохождение[]

  • Кланы:

Восьмой Интервал / Девятое Прохождение[]

Традиционные АрфистыБегуныВиноделыВоспитатели стражейГорнякиЗемледельцыКожевникиКузнецыПисариПовараРыбакиСкотоводыСтеклодувыТкачиТорговцыЦелители
Новые ДельфинерыДревообработчикиЗвездочетыИзготовители пластикаКомпьютерщикиПечатникиПроизводители бумагиТехники
Холды и Вейры
Главные Холды АйгенБенденБитраИстаКерунКромЛемосНаболНератПлоскогорьеРуатТелгарТиллекФортЮжный БоллЮжный
Независимые Холды Посадочная ПлощадкаПрибрежныйРайская РекаРека Рубикон
Вейры ФортБенденПлоскогорьеАйгенИстаТелгарЮжныйМонакоХонсюЗанаду